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Dear Fellow Oilsands Worker,

Welcome to The Abundance Estates.

If you would like your RRSP, TFSA or other registered funds to earn more returns, then you should do the following.

You should move your registered funds from a traditional financial institution into a self-directed custodian.

Olympia Trust is the biggest custodian for self-directed registered funds in Canada.

Once you you have moved your registered funds into a self-directed account, you then connect with a real estate investors who are looking for private funds to finance their deals.

You loan out your RRSP to finance the deal and get paid your principal plus interest.

In short, you become the bank

Why become a Private Money Lender with us?

If you’re a seasoned investor who currently or used to work in the oilsands and have funded a few deals that have paid off, you know what I'm talking about.

Working with a real estate investor as a private lender pays huge returns.

So if you have some cash not tied up in current deals, we’d love to work with you.
Let’s connect.

If you’re a currently working or have worked in the oilpatch but have never lended funds into real estate delas, we'd love to connect.

Do you have the money to invest but you have no time yet you'd love the idea of making money through real estate?

We'd love to offer you the opportunity for your money to earn more.

If you’ve ever entertained the idea of making money through real real estate, here is your opportunity.

We're proud members of...

Mel and Dave Logo
Mel and Dave Logo

We want to show you how you can earn 7 - 12% returns on your RRSPs or TFSAs
backed by real estate.

Abundance Estates Apartments


Multifamily apartments generate consistent monthly rental income from multiple units providing a more stable and predictable cashflow.

Abundance Estates Apartments


Investing in real estate, even during economic downturns, is highly appealing due to its significant tax advantages. Real estate investors can take advantage of several tax

Abundance Estates Apartments


Over time, multifamily properties appreciate in value. This appreciation can significantly increase the return on investment when the property is sold.

Abundance Estates Apartments


Investing in multifamily real estate diversifies your investment portfolio, reducing overall risk. Real estate often has a low correlation with stocks and bonds, providing balance to your investments portfolio.

Abundance Estates Apartments


Real estate investments, including multifamily properties, can serve as a hedge against inflation. Rental rates and property values often rise with inflation, preserving the

Abundance Estates Apartments


Your liability is generally limited to your investment amount. Unlike a General Partner, you are not personally liable for the debts and obligations of the investment beyond your initial contribution.

Abundance Estates Apartments


As part of The Abundance Estates circle of trusted investors and funding partners, you can participate in larger, potentially more lucrative real estate deals typically beyond reach of an individual investor.

Abundance Estates Apartments


Participating as an Limited Partner allows you to learn about the business of multifamily property investment without the responsibilities and risks associated with direct involvement as the General Partner.

Our Commitments

Abundance Estates Apartments


Using the world famous Cashflow Analysis Matrix, we underwrite deals the way banks underwrite deals. We account for every possible scenario and expense in our underwriting to ensure #s that maximize your returns.

Abundance Estates Apartments


When it comes to our due diligence on properties we're looking at, we don't cut corners. We do due diligence with our eyes fixed on our exit strategy ensure maximum returns for investors.

Abundance Estates Apartments


Having multiple, clear exit strategies is one of the criteria we use to evaluate the multifamily buildings we buy. If we don't have 2 /3 exit strategies open to us on a deal, we don't sign the dotted line.