Dear Apartment Building Owner,

My name is Farai Kufakwedu.

My wife Loice and I own The Abundance Estates, a multifamily building investor buying multifamily buildings in this city.

We are new investors with the long term goal of building a sizable portfolio of apartments sized between 4-20 units.

We're looking to help owners looking to transfer their life’s work - your buildings - to a family at the start of their own journey into creating generational wealth while providing housing to residents of this fine city.

It does not matter what situation you find yourself in as the owner of an apartment building…

It could be that you’ve reached a point in your life when you decide it’s time to let go of your real estate assets.

You could have inherited a portfolio of assets from your parents or some other relative.
Or a deceased spouse left with a sizable portfolio of real estate assets…

Or you could be in a situation whose solution lies in the disposal of your real estate assets…

Whatever the reason you would like to sell your buildings, we are here to provide the solution.

We're proud members of...

What Owners Can Expect...

Abundance Estates Apartments


As a seller of a multifamily asset, we can structure the deal so that you or your designated beneficiaries receive a specified cash payout month-in-month out.

Abundance Estates Apartments


We can structure the purchase of your building to ensure maximum tax savings for you and your loved ones.

Abundance Estates Apartments


If you are open to working on Terms, you can get your asking price or more at closing. We love deploying Creative Financing options for sellers so that they leave the closing table with their asking price or more.

Abundance Estates Apartments


Banks make their money from the interest they charge on loans they give out. Why can't you earn interest on the sale of your building like the banks over time? Graduate from being a landlord to becoming a bank.